

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

My Body After Baby

  We just had our fourth baby. I am not disappointed with my body, it created a wonderful, beautiful, healthy baby girl. I'm not exactly happy with it right now either. I am ready to start getting back to a healthier, slightly more muscular body that doesn't tire quite as easily. I breastfeed and I tend to lose the weight pretty quickly but that doesn't help my tone. I am what is known as skinny-fat, thin with little muscle tone. I am going to start by posting some pictures here and updating with my progress periodically to help me keep track.

 I will not be tracking weight as I do not own a scale. I only get weighed at the doctor's office. Here is a little idea why. I care most about how I feel, look, and how I fit in my clothes. I am including an angled shot because your posture and the angle of the picture can make all the difference, especially with clothes on. This way if I take a similar shot later, because they look good and make me feel good, I still have a true comparison. These photos were all taken at the same time. Notice the wet spot on my shirt, I didn't notice when taking the photos, Mom life.

 If you are looking to start exercising or step up your exercise game I recommend a workout buddy. I always workout more/better when I have someone else counting on me. Most days I would rather get a few more minutes of sleep than get up and go for a run. Definitely when starting out, I hate starting running. After I've been running for a few months I enjoy it, want to do it, I miss it when I can't do it. But starting running, I need to wake up and know I have to go because my partner will already be up and on their way to wherever we are meeting to run together. I need that. 

Working out with videos at home has become surprisingly easier with the kids. Mia especially likes to workout with me, Ava sometimes, Drew mostly just wants to dance around and provide an extra level of difficulty to step up my game. Having the kids want to exercise with me encourages me to do some everyday. 

I would love to hear any of your workout tips, what motivates you, how do you keep going when you just aren't feeling it?

This has been a pretty short post but I think I covered everything I need to today.

Edit: I forgot to put on the giveaways I found today

Joovy Tuesday - Every Tuesday on their facebook page Joovy has a giveaway. This week it is a twin stroller

Sarah Wells Breastpump Bags - Three giveaways each worth over $1000 for World Breastfeeding Week open to US residents only

Cottonelle - Trip for two to Wanderlust in Miami

Oh the Places You'll Go -  giveaway hop for $25 Starbucks giftcard or paypal cash

Southern Mom Loves -  Recover from back to school $50 Paypal cash or eGift Card of choice

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